Webinar: Advancing Technologies for Working with Underground Utilities: Current SHRP 2 Research
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), is hosting a webinar on August 10, 2011, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM EDT that will explore four active SHRP 2 utility-related research projects to increase the awareness of SHRP 2 utility-related research among the intended users of the research products and to solicit their feedback. There is no fee for this webinar; however, participants must register in advance of the session. No Professional Development Hours will be provided for this webinar.
This webinar will explore four active SHRP 2 research projects:
- Technologies for the Storage, Retrieval, and Utilization of 3-Dimensional Utility Location Data (R01-A): Products will include a best-practices model for implementing a 3-D repository for utilities in the public right of way, guidelines for implementation, and a field-tested 3-D utility data repository.
- Multi-Sensor Platforms for Locating Underground Utilities (R01-B): Products will include nondestructive testing tools for detecting and locating buried utilities, training materials, and user manuals.
- Development of Innovative Technologies for the Location of Deep Utilities (R01-C): Products will include prototype locating technologies for deep utilities (i.e., utilities buried over 20 feet deep), a guidance document for implementation, and training materials.
- Identification of Utility Conflicts and Solutions (R15-B): Products will include a best-practices utility conflict matrix, training materials, a procedural manual, and guidelines for implementing successful practices.
The webinar will provide attendees with an opportunity to ask questions about the research and to provide comments and suggestions.
The discussion will be of interest to state and local utility engineers and utility coordinators, representatives of subsurface utility engineering organizations, FHWA and AASHTO representatives, members of the SHRP 2 Technical Expert Task Groups that are providing technical guidance for the research, and members of a User Panel created to provide end-user input for SHRP 2 projects on Multi-Sensor Platforms for Locating Underground Utilities and Identification of Utility Conflicts and Solutions.
Attendees will learn the background and objective of each project, including problems addressed by the research; the research approach; the research products, including how these products can be used; and, the research schedule, including when the products will be available.
Reports for two other SHRP 2 utility-related research projects are available online. These reports can be consulted for background information before this webinar:
- Jim Anspach, J.H. Anspach Consulting
- Alicia Farag, Gas Technology Institute
- Gary Young, Underground Imaging Technologies
- Chris Ziolkowski, Gas Technology Institute
- Cesar Quiroga, Texas A&M Research Foundation
Moderated by Chuck Taylor, Senior Program Officer, SHRP 2, TRB
This webinar is free. Participants will not receive Professional Development Hours (PDHs) for attending this webinar. This webinar has a PDH value of 0.
Questions? Contact Patrick Zelinski at pzelinski@nas.edu.
This Summary Last Modified On: 7/27/2012