Economics Research at TRB
The mission of the Transportation Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation innovation and progress through research and information exchange, conducted within a setting that is objective, interdisciplinary, and multimodal. This page highlights recently released TRB reports, meeting announcements, requests for proposals, and other announcements related to economics. In addition, it includes links to selected economics research-related activities taking place at the federal and state levels, and within the academic and international transportation communities. Finally, this page also highlights and provides links to TRB programs and activities, which are the source of most of TRB’s economics-related research products. |
What's New
TRB Economics-Related Programs and Activities
International Conference on Ecology and TransportationOctober 3, 2024 The Colorado Department of Transportation and Department of Parks and Wildlife host the 2025 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation on May 11-15, 2025 in Denver, Colorado. TRB is pleased to cosponsor this event. The conference will provide a venue for sharing information and for training across multiple disciplines related to transportation and ecology, suitable for DOT, ac... |
American Society of Civil Engineers (ACE) International Airfield & Highway Pavement ConferenceOctober 3, 2024 The transportation and Development Institute (T&DI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Arizona Department of Transportation is hosting the 2025 International Airfield and Highway Pavement Conference on June 8-11, 2025. TRB is pleased to cosponsor this event. This conference will bring together transportation systems and infrastructure practitioners and researchers, ope... |
Bridging Transportation Researchers ConferenceFebruary 23, 2023 Sponsored by The University of Texas at Austin Cockrell School of Engineering, ARRB, COTA, UNSW Sydney, and the Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation, the Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR) Conference will be held on August 9-10, 2023 online. TRB is pleased to cosponsor this event. The event is open to the public and there is no registration fee. This free conference will b... |
Development of a Small Aircraft Runway Length Analysis ToolSeptember 16, 2022 An important operational characteristic of an airport is the length of its longest runway. The longest runway determines the types of aircraft that can use the airport and dictates the operational limitations at the airport. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Web-Only Document 54: Development of a Small Aircraft Runway Length Analysis Tool provides a user-friendly computer tool... |
TR News November-December 2021: Collaboration and Innovation at MnRoad Research FacilityMarch 31, 2022 TR News 336: November-December 2021 examines the history of the MnROAD research facility, redesigning transit for the new mobility future, planning and design of airport terminal restrooms and ancillary spaces, understanding systemic risks of railroad hazmat transport, systems engineering for rural connected vehicle corridors, talent for today and tomorrow, and more. |
Methods for State DOTs to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Transportation SectorMarch 14, 2022 Many technical and institutional issues related to estimating and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) lie across a wide spectrum of the activities undertaken by state departments of transportation (DOTs). The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Web-Only Document 308: Methods for State DOTs to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Transportation Sector documents the... |
Ghana Infrastructure ConferenceFebruary 2, 2022 Ghana Transportation Professionals Forum, Africa Centre of Excellence Regional Transport Research & Education Centre Kumasi (TRECK) Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, and Ghana Institution of Engineering are hosting the 2022 Ghana Infrastructure Conference on July 25-28, 2022 in Ghana. TRB is pleased to cosponsor this event. This year's theme will focus on the role ... |
Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems
TRB's Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems searches out and synthesizes useful knowledge from all available sources and prepares concise, documented reports on specific topics. Reports from this endeavor constitute an National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) report series, Synthesis of Highway Practice.
Synthesis of Information Related to Transit Problems
TRB's Synthesis of Information Related to Transit Problems searches out and synthesizes useful knowledge from all available sources and prepares concise, documented reports on specific topics. Reports from this endeavor constitute an Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) report series, Synthesis of Transit Practice. |
Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems
TRB's Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems searches out and synthesizes useful knowledge from all available sources and prepares concise, documented reports on specific topics. Reports from this endeavor constitute an Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) report series, Synthesis of Airport Practice.
Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program
TRB's Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program searches out and synthesizes useful knowledge from all available sources and prepares concise, documented reports on specific topics. Reports from this endeavor constitute an Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program (CTBSSP) report series, Synthesis of Commerical Truck and Bus Safety Practice. |
Cooperative Research Programs
TRB's Cooperative Research Programs Division manages several cooperative research programs that frequently produces reports that have relevence to issues outside of the program's core focus areas.
Technical Activities Standing Committees
TRB's Technical Activities Division provides a forum for transportation professionals in all modes and functions to identify research needs and to share information on research and issues of interest. The Division's staff of specialists in each mode and discipline work with a network of volunteers to carry out activities on behalf of TRB sponsors and the transportation community, including the TRB Annual Meeting, conferences and workshops, publications, visits to each state, and responses to inquiries. This network includes members and friends of over 200 standing committees, supplemented by designated TRB representatives in each state, over 150 universities, and 35 transit agencies. |
Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2)
Congress established the SHRP 2 in 2006 to find strategic solutions to three national transportation challenges: improving highway safety, reducing congestion, and improving methods for renewing roads and bridges. Research was focused in four areas, which are described below. The program carried out 145 research projects and produced 130 products as well as 132 research reports. |
Research in Progress in this Subject Area
TRB's Research in Progress (RiP) Database now contains more than 11,900 current or recently completed transportation research projects. Most of the RiP records are projects funded by federal and state departments of transportation. University transportation research is also included. The RiP Database also serves as a clearinghouse of University Transportation Centers ongoing research. |
Research Needs in this Subject Area
An important function of TRB is to stimulate research that addresses concerns, issues, or problems facing the transportation community. In support of this function, TRB Technical Activities standing committees identify, develop, and disseminate research need statements (RNS) for use by practitioners, researchers, and others.
Research Completed in this Subject Area
TRB's TRID is integrated database that combines the records from TRB's Transportation Research Information Services ( TRIS) Database and the OECD's Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport Research Documentation ( ITRD) Database. TRID provides access to over 900,000 records of transportation research worldwide. |