TRB Straight to Recording for All: USDOT Public Access Plan: Overview and Data Management Primer
TRB recorded a series of videos in March 2016 that explain how to develop a plan to improve the public's access to the results of federally-funded scientific research as a result of the Obama administration's Openness and Transparency initiatives. This initiative, from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, applies to all government agencies with more than $100M a year in research and development expenditures.
Part 1: Introduction and Background for Public Access
Part 2: Scope and When to Comply
Part 3: Overview of DOT Public Access Plan and Its Requirements
Part 4: Copyright and Compliance Issues
Part 5, Section 1: What Do We Mean By Data Management?
Part 5, Section 2: Why Should You Manage Your Data?
Part 5, Section 3: Data Management Checklist
Part 5, Section 4: What is a Data Management Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Part 5, Section 5: How Do You Create a Data Management Plan?
Part 6: Available Resources and Where to Go For Help
This Summary Last Modified On: 5/12/2016