Products and Services
A resource to the nation and to the transportation community worldwide, TRB provides an extensive portfolio of products and services:
TRB Bookstore
One of the most important activities of the Transportation Research Board is the dissemination of current research results. The TRB Online Bookstore currently offers more than 2,300 publications for sale. TRB Affiliate members are eligible to receive a discount on individual publications purchases.

TRR Journal
TRB is pleased to partner with SAGE Publishing to publish the Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Find the information you need when you need it! TRR has a digital home on the next-generation SAGE Journals platform, featuring a fully responsive design and dynamic reading experience. The SAGE Journals platform provides access to more than 14,000 peer-reviewed papers that have been published as part of the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR) series since 1996. This powerful new electronic format for the TRR includes the latest in search and analysis technology so you quickly locate the expert advice that will help you address your needs or advance the state of the practice.
Access the TRR Online Journal database now.
Access to the full text papers on the site is available only to subscribers or employees of TRB Sponsors. Individual papers are available at a cost for non-subscribers.
For subscriptions to TRR, please contact SAGE Customer Services at 1-800-818-7243 or

Publication Subscriptions Services
Keep up-to-date on the latest in transportation research with an annual subscription to TRB publications. We offer subscriptions to the Transportation Research Record, TR News, and to the full set of all TRB serial publications. |

TRB Publications Index
The TRB Publications Index includes more than 65,000 citations and abstracts for all TRB, Highway Research Board (HRB), SHRP, and Marine Board publications since 1923. The index offers simple and advanced searching and allows users to download and e-mail the results in a variety of formats. Records contain links to available full-text documents and to ordering information.

In January 2011, TRB and ITRD released TRID, the TRIS and ITRD Database. TRID is the world's largest and most comprehensive bibliographic resource on transportation research information. It is produced and maintained by the Transportation Research Board of the U.S. National Academies with sponsorship by State Departments of Transportation, the various administrations at the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other sponsors of TRB's core technical activities. ITRD is produced by ITRD member organizations under the sponsorship of the Joint Transport Research Centre (collectively JTRC) of the International Transport Forum and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and ITRD. The records comprise published or ongoing research in English, German, French, or Spanish; more than 200,000 records link to full-text publications. The service offers simple and advanced searching and allows users to download and e-mail results, as well as to share via social media. TRID is available free of charge on TRB’s website.
TRB Conferences and Meetings
Every year, TRB organizes 70 or more specialty conferences and workshops on subjects and
issues of interest to the transportation community. These events provide opportunities for information sharing and in-depth exploration of specific topics, ranging from low-volume roads and statewide transportation planning to light rail transit, marine salvage, highway safety, and community impact assessment. Each January the TRB Annual Meeting gathers over 13,000 transportation professionals to participate in the world’s largest forum designed specifically for the formal and informal exchange of information among transportation researchers and practitioners. |

TRB uses webinars to share information about upcoming TRB reports, previous sessions from our Annual Meeting, and topics requested by TRB committees. TRB holds approximately 8 webinars a month and averages 300 people per session.