TRB conducted a webinar on October 11, 2012, from 2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. ET that explored how new highway legislation, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), impacts transportation within the tribal lands of Native Americans. The webinar has been recorded and is
available on our website.
During this webinar, practitioners of federal Indian transportation law will discuss major changes to tribal transportation programs and funding formulas under MAP-21. The webinar will also address promising practices in state-tribal agreements, contracting, and rights-of-way issues in Indian Country.
This webinar has been organized by the TRB Standing Committees on Transportation Law, and Eminent Domain and Land Use.
Webinar presenters and presentation descriptions:
James E. Glaze, Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse, Endreson & Perry, LLP
Jim will discuss the major changes MAP-21 made to tribal road, bridge, safety and transit programs and explain what tribal transportation provisions remain from the previous highway legislation, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).
Philip Baker-Shenk, Holland & Knight, LLP
Phil will present information about funding formula changes that allocate federal transportation money to tribal governments based on the new MAP-21 provisions, including the impact these changes may have on the different regions within Indian Country.
F. Michael Willis, Hobbs, Straus, Dean and Walker, LLP
Michael will explore implementation challenges posed by MAP-21, including the scope and timing for the development of guidance and regulations, tribal consultation considerations, and program administration and contracting under the Indian Self Determination Act and related authorities.
Ronald C. Hall, Tribal Technical Assistance Program at Colorado State University
Ron will be speaking about road right-of-way acquisition challenges on tribal and individual Native owned lands.
Moderated by: Vivian Philbin, Federal Highway Adminstration (FHWA)
Continuing Legal Education:
Persons who register and attend the webinar using an individual email address will be emailed a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) certificate of attendance. This program may be eligible for a total of 1.5 CLEs.
TRB did not seek approval for the above listed workshop from the State Board. Complete a certificate for each state in which you are required to file. Rules for CLE in some states require the provider to file attendance with the regulator as a service to lawyers. Please confirm jurisdictional reporting requirements with the state regulator. This certificate should be filed with the appropriate MCLE Board(s) or Commission(s) within 30 days of activity. Introductory remarks, keynote addresses, business meetings, breaks, receptions, etc., are not included in the computation of credit. TRB will retain a copy of your attendance, however TRB is not required to submit attendance to the board.
Registration questions? Contact Reggie Gillum at
This Summary Last Modified On: 10/15/2012