Designing concrete barriers
7/20/2020 5:01:32 AM
Development of MASH TL-3 Transitions for Cast-In-Place Concrete Barriers , released by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute
UC Davis: Connected eco-driving innovations
2/7/2020 3:17:12 PM
An adaptive strategy for connected eco-driving towards a signalized intersection is described in Developing an Adaptive Strategy for Connected Eco-Driving Under Uncertain Traffic and Signal Conditions , a report from the National Center for Sustainable Transportation at the University of California at Davis. Traffic conditions and signal timings are usually dynamic and uncertain due to mixed vehicle types, various driving behaviors, and limited sensing range. The report is available for no fee after logg...
UC Davis: Ramp controls for CAVs
2/7/2020 3:17:12 PM
A ramp merging system for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) is discussed in Development of Eco-Friendly Ramp Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles , a report from the National Center for Sustainable Transportation at the University of California at Davis. Sometimes ramp controls for CAVs may result in speed fluctuations, potentially increasing the traffic delays and excessive energy consumption.
UGPTI: Automation in the transit industry
2/6/2020 3:17:12 PM
Various U.S. transit industry uses of automation technologies are identified in Transit Automation Technologies: A Review of Transit Agency Perspective , a report from the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute at North Dakota State University. Examples of these technologies include lane-keep assist systems, collision avoidance systems, guidance systems for precise docking in Bus Rapid Transit, and driverless shuttles.
TTI: Creating structures for bridge columns
1/8/2020 2:22:04 PM
Structures for bridge columns that do not meet the Texas Department of Transportation’s design impact load criteria are developed in Analysis of 54-Inch Tall Single-Slope Concrete Barrier on a Structurally Independent Foundation , a report from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. This report identifies the most effective structure to use for these bridge columns.
VTTI: Will a driver’s behavior change when there is someone else in the car?
1/5/2020 6:29:19 AM
Passenger impact on speeding is assessed in Vehicle Occupants and Driver Behavior: A Novel Data Approach to Assessing Speeding , a report from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. Specifically, this report attempts to answer whether driver behavior, especially speeding, differs based on passenger presence in the vehicle.
Evaluating Alternative Measures of Bicycling Level of Traffic Stress Using Crowdsourced Route Satisfaction Dat
9/27/2019 1:41:35 PM
Levels of traffic stress (LTS) upon cyclists are measured in Evaluating Alternative Measures of Bicycling Level of Traffic Stress Using Crowdsourced Route Satisfaction Data , a report from the Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University. This report examines LTS in the contexts of two U.S. cities: Portland, Oregon, which has a well-developed bicycling infrastructure, and Austin, Texas, which has more moderately-developed bicycling infrastructure.
Analytical Modeling of Seismic Performance of Curved and Skewed Bridges
9/27/2019 1:40:02 PM
The impact of traffic on a bridge’s seismic performance is addressed in Analytical Modeling of Seismic Performance of Curved and Skewed Bridges , a report from the Upper Great Plains Transportation at North Dakota State University. Realistic seismic performance of a bridge can be critical to future bridge seismic design, prevention, and planning, especially for those with narrow safety margins.
Asphalt cracking and aging
9/11/2019 6:09:51 AM
Long-term aging effects on asphalt mixtures are evaluated in Development of Long-Term Aging Protocol for Implementation of the Illinois Flexibility Index Test (I-FIT) , a report from the Illinois Center for Transportation at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The increased use of recycled materials and asphalt binder modification can adversely affect the cracking performance of asphalt concrete mixtures.