TR News April-June 2024: TRB 103rd Annual Meeting
5/22/2024 7:24:00 PM
TR News 349: April-June 2024 includes highlights from the 103rd TRB Annual Meeting. This issues also includes articles that examine culvert rehabilitation, federally mandated performance management requirements and targets, skills necessary for design-build process success, research strategies to ensure that infrastructure investments help promote equitable decision making, challenges to electric vehicle use in rural areas, and more.
TR News: January-March 2024: Improving Maritime Safety
2/7/2024 6:18:33 PM
TR News 348: January–March 2024 features articles on a variety of topics. Authors examine the intercity bus industry’s post-pandemic struggle to recover and its ramifications, a maritime transportation safety demonstration project, and strategies for reducing roadside fire risks. Also included are interviews with the winners of TRB's Standing Committee on Native American Transportation Issues "Call for Artwork".
TR News September-December 2023: Transportation in Rural America
2/5/2024 7:20:33 PM
TR News 347: September–October 2023 explores the theme of transportation in rural areas. The authors look at such topics as the availability of automated vehicles and associated infrastructure, how research and workshops inform transportation along low-volume roads, and how a vast network of airports serves Alaska’s traveling public.
TR News July-August 2023: Addressing Transportation and Accessibility for All
11/13/2023 7:18:02 PM
TR News 346: July–August 2023explores the theme of transportation-related advancements in accessibility and mobility. From individuals with disabilities that affect the senses and physical movement to the concerns of older adults and those with invisible disabilities that present cognitive issues, the authors look at innovations and their applications in myriad settings that make transportation for this population easier or, at times, possible for everyday living.
TR News: May-June 2023: Journeying Through Public Lands
9/28/2023 2:03:02 PM
TR News: May–June 2023 explores why transportation planning is essential, federal lands transportation planning 101, the National Park Service's data collection innovations, integrated planning for projects on tribal lands, active transportation in state parks, cultivating the next generation of public lands stewards, preserving transportation within America's great outdoors, forecasting recreational travel demand, and more.
TR News: January-February 2023: Electric Bicycles
6/23/2023 2:32:57 PM
TR News 343: January–February 2023 features a compelling mix of articles. Authors examine environmental justice on tribal lands, transit agencies use of social media, lighting at isolated rural intersections, the looming importance of light duty vehicle fuel economy, landscape strategies that can unlock co-benefits of transportation stormwater management, the evolution of electric bicycles, and more.
TR News: November-December 2022: Integrated Flood Prediction System
4/28/2023 5:51:37 PM
TR News 342: November–December 2022 features articles covering a variety of topics. Authors look at the most effective infrastructure approaches to keeping wildlife and traffic safely separated; integrated warning and response systems to lessen the negative effects of flooding, as well as to predict the extent and severity of a flood event; and how five state departments of transportation are training staff on and implementing a toolkit that measures the effectiveness of public involvement in transporta...
TR News: March-April 2023: 102nd TRB Annual Meeting: A Global Gathering
4/20/2023 2:23:15 PM
TR News 344: March–April 2023 gives an account of the challenges—and peculiarities—the height of the COVID-19 pandemic presented while conducting research on the effects of roadside mowing on insect pollination. The issue also includes highlights from TRB's 102nd Annual Meeting, high-speed rail's global momentum, changes to transit agencies fare collection systems, prioritizing public transportation investments, and more.
TR News: September-October 2022: Decarbonizing Transportation
2/22/2023 7:32:22 PM
TR News 341: September–October 2022 features a variety of perspectives on decarbonizing transportation. This theme issue is unique in that authors present thought provoking discussions—some reflecting decidedly strong opinions—on a controversial subject. One author presents ideas on how growth in transportation electrification may increase energy to power grids while furthering decarbonization. Another author poses the challenge California faces in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gases by getting drive...