Roadway Flash Flooding Warning Devices Feasibility Study
This Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) project explored the feasibility of a flash flood warning system for motorists on the road. A system with a modular design was proposed to allow flexibility in technology implementation and its components or subsystems were identified. These included water level sensors, data processing subsystem, data dissemination subsystem, alerting subsystem, monitoring subsystem, motorist warning subsystem, traffic control subsystem and power subsystem. The system needs to be rugged, reliable and durable with a high operational capability. Recommendations for system development and testing were made. It was concluded that it is feasible to develop a low cost, durable system based on available technology that will automatically warn motorists and control traffic with devices such as railroad crossing gates. The next phase will involve development of and testing of such a system.
This Summary Last Modified On: 11/15/2013