Transportation for Tomorrow: Report of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission
The National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission has released its final report, which a Commission press release describes as a comprehensive plan to increase investment, expand services, repair infrastructure, demand accountability, and refocus federal transportation programs, while maintaining a strong federal role in surface transportation. Congress created the twelve-member, bipartisan Commission in 2005, to examine the condition and operation of the surface transportation system, and to develop a conceptual plan and specific recommendations to help ensure that the surface transportation system serves the needs of the nation now and in the future. The Commissioners unanimously agreed that an efficient surface transportation system will be vital to the future economic growth, international competitiveness, and social well-being of the nation. They also agree that major overhauls of current federal surface transportation programs will be essential to achieve such a system. They did not agree, however, on all of the report’s recommendations to reform and finance the surface transportation programs. Secretary Mary Peters (as Commission Chair), Commissioner Maria Cino, and Commissioner Rick Geddes provided a minority view to the report. Commissioners Francis X. McArdle and Matt Rose each contributed an individual supplemental view.
This Summary Last Modified On: 7/27/2012