Mental Health, Wellness Must Be a Priority for Transit Leaders
Transit agency leadership must make a real and concerted effort to take the mental health and overall wellness of frontline workers more seriously. Leadership can play an important role by making a clear commitment and dedicating resources to address mental health, wellness, and resiliency at their agencies. Ultimately, this means that more funding and staff resources are needed to address barriers and to develop, implement, and support programs aimed at improving mental health, wellness, and resiliency. This includes staff dedicated to implementing and monitoring holistic wellness programs.
Mental Health, Wellness, and Resilience for Transit System Workers (TCRP Research Report 245), released this past week from TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program, provides a detailed summary of common factors that influence the mental health, well-being, and resiliency of frontline transit workers and includes a range of solutions that transit agencies can implement to address them.
Decision-makers in the industry have resources to improve the well-being of employees. TRB offers evidence-based resources to aid these efforts, even considering today’s tight budgets.