TR News January-February 2019: Harnessing Technology for a Safe, Equitable, Resilient System: Findings from the States
The full issue of the January-February edition of the TR News is now available. This issue explores emerging trends, research needs, and related events that discuss how technology may be harnessed to create more resilient transportation systems. Articles also focus on electrification, obesity solutions, and infectious diseases in the built environment.
The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation. It also includes brief news items of interest to the transportation community,
research pays off articles that profile of transportation professionals,
workshop and conference announcements, new book notices, and news of TRB activities.
Submissions of manuscripts for possible publication are accepted at any time.
Copies of the TR News may be purchased individually or ordered on an
annual subscription basis.
TRB policy is to release the full PDF version of a TR News four months after its release in print format.
This Summary Last Modified On: 6/23/2019