Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Publications
TCRP Reports, Syntheses of Practice, Research Results Digests, Web-Only Documents, and Legal Research Digests contain the findings of individual research projects sponsored by TRB's Cooperative Research Programs.
Reports:Reports are the main product of the research project and are often written as guidebooks or manuals. Supplemental project material—such as appendixes, which describe technical details, information-gathering activities, or survey instruments; glossaries; and bibliographies—may be disseminated online as web-only documents or downloadable files. |
Syntheses of Practice:Syntheses report on the state of the practice based on literature reviews and surveys of recent activities in critical areas. Syntheses inform practitioners about innovations being used by others to solve problems. |
Research Results Digests (RRDs):RRDs are used to promote early awareness of project results in order to encourage implementation. RRDs also summarize specific findings that emphasize how the research may be used. The contents are organized in terms of the problem and the solution to it, the findings, and the applications. RRDs generally run 4–32 printed pages. |
Legal Research Digests (LRDs):LRDs report on timely legal issues, compile case law, or recommend specific solutions to specific problems. LRDs run 12–48 printed pages. |
Web-Only Documents:Web-only documents are fully searchable PDFs of contractor-prepared reports or supporting appendix materials. Web-only documents may be linked to other related project products. |
Selected Studies in Transportation Law:The SSTL series is jointly published by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) and the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP). |