Cooperative Research Programs Series
Periodicals and Other Documents
PFAS Management at Airports: A Guide
6/3/2024 2:00:57 PM
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are found in many products, from consumer products to building materials. For airports, the primary implication is associated with aqueous film-forming foams (AFFFs) used in firefighting. For many years, airport operators were required to use AFFFs and, as a result of recommended training requirements and fire response, may have had releases of AFFFs to the environment. ACRP Research Report 262: PFAS Management at Airports: A Guide , from TRB's Airport Cooperati...
Airport Energy Resiliency: A Primer
5/24/2024 3:19:19 PM
Energy resiliency strategies, established by developing an airport energy resiliency roadmap, help ensure the continued operations of an airport in the face of near-term disruptive events and longer-term shifts in energy supply and demand. Airport Energy Resiliency: A Primer summarizes the benefits of energy resiliency, outlines the processes for achieving it, and addresses the role of airport leaders. The associated ACRP Research Report 260: Airport Energy Resiliency Roadmap details a step-by-step proce...
Airport Energy Resiliency Roadmap
5/24/2024 3:00:35 PM
An airport’s energy service from the grid may be vulnerable to increasing demands and costs and the potential for short- or long-term disruptions caused by natural and human-caused events. Developing an airport energy resiliency roadmap allows the airport to establish a baseline of its energy use, supply, and vulnerabilities; set goals and related strategies in concert with stakeholder input to address its energy resiliency; and prioritize and integrate the strategies into other airport planning processe...
Advanced Air Mobility and Community Outreach: A Primer for Successful Stakeholder Engagement
3/6/2024 8:00:13 PM
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) includes the use of new aircraft technologies to transport passengers and cargo, typically on demand. The AAM ecosystem will initially rely on existing airports, heliports, and routes, but in the future, new dedicated facilities and routes will likely be developed. The impacts of AAM may be far-reaching and affect many stakeholders. ACRP Research Report 261: Advanced Air Mobility and Community Outreach: A Primer for Successful Stakeholder Engagement , from TRB's Airport Cooper...
The Evolution of Knowledge Management at Airports
11/17/2023 4:00:56 PM
Industry-wide, airports are experiencing disruptive and continuous changes that include the rapid introduction of new technology, financial constraints, retirements, and the need to replace seasoned veterans. These changes are compounded by a diminishing pipeline of individuals interested in working at airports. ACRP Research Report 258: The Evolution of Knowledge Management at Airports , from TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program, is a resource that airports can use to help mitigate the loss of ins...
Methods to Manage Tree Growth Near Airports
11/14/2023 7:00:41 PM
Obstructions from trees around airports can hinder aircraft operations, requiring the airport to manage tree growth, both on and even off airport property. ACRP Research Report 259: Methods to Manage Tree Growth Near Airports , from TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program, identifies the mitigation strategies to address immediate needs, and longterm planning.
Guide for Treatment of Airport Stormwater Containing Deicers: Update
10/5/2023 6:00:14 PM
To support safe operations, airport operators and tenants apply a variety of deicing and anti-icing chemicals (collectively, “deicers”) to aircraft and airport paved surfaces. ACRP Research Report 257: Guide for Treatment of Airport Stormwater Containing Deicers: Update , from TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program, provides a comprehensive guide for selecting appropriate technologies to treat stormwater containing deicers at airports. Supplemental to the report are Appendix B: Deicer Treatment Techn...
Virtual Airport Ramp Control Operations Facilities: A Guide
9/28/2023 6:00:24 PM
Virtual ramp control (VRC) implementations have increasingly been occurring at airports over the past 5 years. More airport operators are interested in potentially implementing a VRC system as the technology proves viable. ACRP Research Report 256: Virtual Airport Ramp Control Operations Facilities: A Guide , from TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program, aims to develop a guide that provides U.S. airport operators and their stakeholders with a roadmap and key information for implementing VRC systems a...
PFAS Source Differentiation Guide for Airports
7/13/2023 6:00:36 PM
Airports face increasing regulatory and technical challenges for addressing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) found on or near their facilities. Sources of PFAS may be attributable to activities such as the use of aqueous film forming foam during aircraft rescue and firefighting activities or from airport neighbors who use products that contain PFAS. ACRP Research Report 255: PFAS Source Differentiation Guide for Airports , from TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program, provides recommended pr...
Digital Marketing to Enhance Customer Experience and Increase Airport Revenue
6/27/2023 2:00:52 PM
Airports are facing increasing difficulty in meeting funding needs via traditional revenue sources. New digital tools can be used to generate new revenue opportunities and enhance existing relationships with stakeholders. However, there has been little research on identifying and applying these new synergistic revenue-generating opportunities at airports. ACRP Research Report 251: Digital Marketing to Enhance Customer Experience and Increase Airport Revenue , from TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Progr...